Much has been said and written about the hundreds of millions of dollars spent for and against the dozen statewide measures on this month’s ballot. Big...
Proposition 15, which would have boosted property taxes on commercial real estate by billions of dollars a year, finally bit the dust last week. It wasn’t...
As of late fall, wildfires are still smoldering under snowfall in Colorado. I am hoping that the cold and snowy weather over the last few days...
Ronald Reagan chose Mile Square Park, in the heart of Orange County, for a Labor Day rally in 1984 to kick off his final push for...
Joe Biden has won the presidency of the United States but will lead a country both deeply divided and disappointed: Republicans upset that President Donald Trump...
It’s been a week since election day, and while there’s a modicum of doubt about some outcomes as ballots continue to be counted, overall results are...
Sacramento is the Peter Pan of California’s larger cities — never willing to grow up. That became evident again last week when the city’s voters soundly...
Two women, enticed by promises of well-paid work and plentiful opportunities, left their homelands for a better life in California. A nightmare awaited them. Upon arrival,...
California has been a one-party state for the last decade, with Democratic governors and supermajorities in both legislative houses doing pretty much as they pleased without...
The Ralph M. Brown Act represented major progress for transparency in California government when it was enacted in 1953. The law has ensured that generations of...