Sure, I’m happy to see the world’s greatest basketball player join my favorite team, the Los Angeles Lakers. But as a Californian, I fear LeBron is...
Since the 1990s, California’s leaders have promised to make preschool universal for every child. Maybe they’ll actually do it by the time I have grandchildren. It’s...
Why does a place as big and beautiful as Orange County behave in ways so small and ugly? In recent weeks, county supervisors first voted to...
This time, “Chinatown” is fooling itself. Los Angeles has a long history of water deceptions, a point made famously by Roman Polanski’s 1974 film classic. But...
California education finances are an unholy mess — with incomprehensible budget formulas, equity funding that doesn’t produce equity, and cuts to schools even during the current...
Which city — San Francisco or Los Angeles — do you love to hate more? This is shaping up to be California’s question for 2018. Each...
If California’s train deniers are right—that no one ever rides trains here, that Californians prefer to drive or fly, and that high-speed rail is a boondoggle...
Could the San Joaquin River, long a dividing line in the heart of California, unite the state in pursuit a more metropolitan future for the Central...
Dear Oprah, You might become a fine president. But you and your state, California, would be better off if you ran for Santa Barbara County supervisor...
To: California Association of Realtors Re: Death and Taxes Yes, all Californians eventually will die. But why can’t our property tax discounts live forever? That question...