Followers of the Twitter account for Andrew Janz’s campaign would think his campaign manager got into a knock-down, drag-out shouting match with a prominent Devin Nunes...
Yes, Devin Nunes did make an appearance at the World Ag Expo. No, he did not stay around very long. GV Wire may have been the...
Like hockey, watching the WWE is a much better experience live than it is on TV. This proved true for the thousands of Fresno fans attending...
Is Steve Brandau worried about losing his conservative street cred? How else would you explain his excoriating of legal advocates for the poor from the city...
Martin Luther King Jr. was an unabashed Zionist. “The whole world must see that Israel must exist and has a right to exist, and is one...
While watching football this past weekend, I noticed Google’s latest TV ad for its search engine (see video above). For 120 seconds, slick images are mixed...